
My Weightloss Journey

Sunday, February 23, 2014


 We are now hopefully coming to the end of winter and looking forward to spring.  This year has been a challenging one for me.  I am still trying to adjust to a new school and school climate, as well as tackle some personal goals.
 I still get frustrated and feel like I'm so different than the rest of the world at times.  Friendship is so important to me and it's hard to find people that are not "busy" and are genuine.  Relationships since college has been a huge transition and one I'm still getting used to.  I have lost people who for whatever reason were not able to be there for me when I was at my lowest and others I have had to walk away from for personal reasons,  grieving many who meant the world to me. I know at this time, I need to protect my heart and focus on my relationship with God and go to him when I'm feeling alone.
  I am also continuing with the bible study, Made to Crave, which I'm really enjoying.  God is working in my life and speaking through the study, scripture, and the present sermon series at our church.  I believe he is wanting me to rely on him fully and completely for my needs.  When I am tempted to run to food , he wants me to come to him to fulfill those yearnings.  I have learned a lot and continue to try and learn the lessons he is making clear to me.  I know he wants me to use this struggle to honor him.

One of the big things this month was having to register Tyler for Kindergarten!  I can't believe it is that time!  I know everybody says it, but it does just seem like yesterday I was holding him right after he was born.  He is super excited and I know he will do great, but I have a feeling it will be hard for me to adjust :) 

Gabby is doing great in fourth grade! This year has been an adjustment for both of us, and she is stepping up to the challenge.  I decided that I need to step back and let her take responsibility for her homework and grades. Instead of being a helicopter mom, I am now just the cheerleader! 

She just finished her second marking period.  The work is getting harder and she is still doing great.  She was awarded at her school assembly 3 awards for perfect attendance, honor roll and for writing.  She is also in chorus and band.  She is just like her mommy and loves music!  She drives her father crazy going around the house singing all the time! She is speeding a long on her flute too.  I love listening to her practice and can't believe how far she has come and that she is following in my footsteps.

Although, this year has been challenging and a year of adjustment for us all, I believe we have all grown.  I know I have a long way to go to reach many of my goals, but it's nice to feel I'm at least on the right track.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


      Since Christmas we have had a couple of snow storms. Days off, extra family time, and even enjoying the snow has been wonderful.  I have a feeling there will still be more coming! 
I celebrated my 38th birthday this month.  It was a great day.  Julio and I took the day and celebrated it together while enjoying each other's company.  He surprised me with a new laptop!
  Since my birthday I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish and do before I turn 40 in two years.  I know I want my life to look different in a lot of ways.  We have started to go to a new church which I hope will turn into a place we can feel comfortable and meet people while we mature in our faith.  I have also started a new online Bible study on the book, Made to Crave.  I'm in my second week and love it!  It is teaching me to satisfy my deepest desire with God and not food.  I am in week 2 of doing it and am finishing my first week of making some lifestyle changes.  I'm excited about what God is doing in my life.  I want to start truly living and this is one step in the right direction.  There are still days/nights that I struggle and life gets overwhelming, but I'm so thankful for my family and I know that I am empowered because I am a child of God and I want to live my life to the fullest by letting him take control  and relying on him completely. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

We have ended another year and looking forward to what God has in store for each of us as we begin 2014.

2014 ended with lots of excitement and memories to cherish.  We got our first snow and have had another storm since.  We have now got a total of 3 snow days!  I'm not sure if the the kids or I are more excited about not having school!
 Christmas is one of our favorite times of year.  We have lots of fun including the magic of Christmas as well as talking about the real reason for the season which is of course the birth of Jesus.  Our elf, Martin this year found new and crazy places to hide for the kids to find him each morning. We all enjoyed the extra days to relax and enjoy spending time as a family.

Tyler got to bring Howie-the classroom stuff animal home for the week.  He was super-excited.  He spent time hanging out with him and made sure he slept and cuddled with him each night.  We went out and bought him a Christmas present and Howie was so excited to open and find new PJ's for himself!

Both kids enjoyed presents from each other, from Santa and from us.  Gabby was surprised this year when she got a "real" camera!  This allowed her to use all her wonderful creativity with her scrapbook kit which she also got.  Some of her other favorites were dolls from the movie "Frozen" and an artist DS game.

Tyler got a new game system-the leapster GS, lots of Ninja Turtle stuff and was in shock when he got his very own scooter!  
 Throughout the holiday season, we also do some special activities together as a family.  One of these was getting tickets to ride the Holiday Lights Train at the Wilmington Railroad.  We even took pop-pop along!

Another highlight was seeing Disney on Ice!  Both kids loved it!

I"m looking forward to my birthday this month and Spring that is right around the corner!
 As I enter into 2014, I have a lot of goals set for myself I"m sure just like any other person.  As the year ended, I'm still finding myself struggling at times with depression how it has affected things in my life the last year or two, some of which is a direct result of my choices and others a result of other peoples choices.  Although, it is a new year, I want to put the past behind me and move on, I find myself still struggling with hurt and maybe even bitterness from people that have left me or backed away for various reasons.  I know God is with me and is working in my life.  He has never left me.  I am excited about our family starting to attend a new church where I can continue to learn about his word and grow closer to him.  God has answered my prayers by bringing someone into my life while others were on their way out.  She has been such  a blessing and her friendship is one of the best things that have happened to me in a long time.I thank God for her everyday.