
My Weightloss Journey

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holiday Season!

We are in one of our favorite parts of the year.  Lots of things to do and family memories!  October is one the kids favorite months with all the fall activities.  One of the things we always do is the Fantasy Trail every year.  It is a nature trail filled with their favorite characters from books and movies that just happen to also give out candy.  This year they decided to go with the Power Rangers theme.  We went trick or treating once again with good friends of ours and one of Gabby's friends she has known since preschool.  They kids love to pick their pumpkins and decorate them.  This year Gabby's pumpkin was a cat and Tyler's was dressed up as Darth Vader!
Tyler for the second year had a special project to do for Thanksgiving.  They had to disguise a Turkey!  Last year Daddy and him made an incredible Spider-man Turkey.  This year he wanted Batman.  Thanks to the creativity of daddy- they worked as a team to make it happen!

This is a big year for Gabby!  She turned 10 on November 13th.  Hard to believe that my oldest is now 10!  Yes, as everybody says, seems like it was just yesterday we were getting her room ready and bringing her home from the hospital after a rough labor and delivery!  She is a very smart and special girl.  Couldn't be more proud! She decided to have another Jazzercise Birthday party.  It was a night-time disco ball Costume party.  As always her and all her friends had a blast dancing to her favorite songs and playing her favorite games. 

Tyler went on his first field trip with his preschool to the pumpkin patch on a real school bus!  He had a blast and was so happy that daddy got to go with him!
Can't believe that Gabby is in Fourth Grade!  Mommy have started this year giving her more Independence especially with her homework and she is doing great!  She was honored at an assembly with two awards for Perfect Attendance and Honor Roll.  When we got her report card, we were so happy to see Straight A's in all your subjects and related art classes.  Smart Girl! Hope the year continues to go as well as it has been and she can continue to be as successful as she can be.
On Nov 23rd, Middletown had the Victorian Stroll.  As usual Gabby and jazzercise participated in the parade and rocked it out.  My girl has rhythm and I love watching her dance!

I am slowly getting used to my new job placement and getting to know all the kids.  There has been several rough days, but I get up and refocus.  I know I need to focus on God, providing for my family, and doing what I need to do for my own family.  Part of that is to continue to eat healthy and exercise so I can continue to be healthier to be a better mom and wife. 

This Thanksgiving we spent it with our neighbors Katelynn and Ryan Scott who have been such a blessing in our lives! Our friendship means the world to me and excited to see how it grows in the coming year!

We are starting to get ready for the Christmas season and enjoying it as a family.  It's always a nice season with time off from work, kids off from school, and time for us to relax and just enjoy time together.