The kids were excited to get up Easter morning to see what the Easter Bunny had brought them. We started the morning reading the Resurrection Story of Jesus before coming downstairs. The kids loved their laloopsy and spiderman baskets with special toys and treats! I believe their favorite was the bubbles which they often just blow in the house!
Another highlight of Easter Morning was being able to dress up in their special clothes. Tyler had a special outfit and Gabby had a dress that a friend had made just for her. They thought they were a real prince and princess!
The first weekend in April we celebrated Tyler's Birthday. He would be turning 4 on April 8th. Hard to realize my baby is growing up! He is definitely a joy. Not a day goes by that he doesn't do something or say something that makes me smile or chuckle. He's truly a blessing!
It is a tradition that we do something special with each of them for their birthday so they get individualized mommy/daddy time. Tyler's wish was Chucky Cheese while Gabby spent special time with one of her good friends. We ALL actually had a blast. We had so much fun playing the games with him and I sat back and just smiled watching Julio and him playing the boy" games. It was nice to have that time together. Definitely another memory to remember down the road as he grows up.
On his birthday,he woke up and asked me right away, My birthday is TODAY? Im four TODAY? :) He took Birthday ice cream cups to share with his friends and teachers. We got him a special balloon and sash to wear to make him feel extra special. He had a lot of fun and couldn't wait to get home and get to his presents!
His birthday ended up being a power ranger birthday. He got some of his favorites and a real power ranger sword that even lights up!
If you have read previous posts, you know that I have gone through another rough time the past couple of months. It's been really difficult. There were days it was very hard to function and do everything I have to do from getting through a day of work and coming home and handling everything that needs to be done at home. I went to the doctor right before Spring break and doctor recommended two different medications. Although I didn't have much hope, since they haven't provided much relief in the past, after 3 weeks I have started to feel much better. I just hope it continues. Although I hate the idea of medication, I will do whatever I can so I can enjoy all the blessings God has put in my life. Now I'm hoping to put back in my healthy habits like working out 3 times a week that I was doing before my setback. Either way, Summer is right around the corner which is something to look forward to!
Julio and I are excited to be looking forward to celebrating our 11th Anniversary the end of this month. There is not a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for him. I love him so much and it will be wonderful to take our annual trip to the Poconos and go away for a night to celebrate our love and focus on just us!