The beginning of July was a mixture of smiles and tears. This past Thursday we remembered my mom who would have been 71. Can't believe it's been 14 years since her passing. Seems like it was just yesterday. It's been interesting that as I continue to go through seasons in my life as an adult now, it effects me differently. I still miss her so much, but am happy that she isn't dealing with pain and obstacles.
We were also sadden to hear that my grandmother passed away Thursday as well. Although we will miss her spark, she lived such a happy life. She was 98 and still living in her own apartment. We were lucky enough to visit her last week which was such a great visit. I was able to support my dad and help him take care of things yesterday. It was so nice to spend that time with him, knowing I could help him and that he was allowing me to do just that. It was wonderful to just be able to talk to him like we haven't done in so long which is what I'm sure Grand-mom would have wanted. It kind of gave me peace that she is with my mom in heaven now and I hope she is telling her all about Gabby and Tyler.
Monday was Fourth of July. It was nice to spend it as a family! We spent the day relaxing and then went down to Dover for the parade, a picnic supper, and the fireworks. Always turns out to be one of my favorite days!
Gabby favorite was the bumper cars with daddy!
I love Tyler's face in this picture!
It was so nice to get away for the day. I'm looking forward to many more trips down to the beach!