Been a busy past couple of months. Everyone is off to a great first half of the school year. We have had some bumps here and there, but for the moment it seems we have
gotten over them.
Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. This year Gabby was a Renaissance princess and Tyler was Rio. We made our annual trip to the Fantasy Trail to see all the storybook characters and decorated pumpkins. This year Gabby decorated hers with gems and Tyler made a pirate pumpkin.

Can't believe Tyler is 2 1/2! He is doing well and enjoying preschool. He brings so much joy into our lives by his expressions, words, and laughter. He has reached the stage of wanting to do everything himself and trying to exert his power. :) We are going to start potty training soon and can't wait to see what the months will bring.

Gabby also turned 8 this month. This has really been a good year for her so far. I can really see her maturity kicking in and she seems to be doing much better in school. I think having a much more positive and encouraging teacher made the difference. Her teacher says she is nice to her classmates, polite and uses her manners, and every day is a good day! I couldn't be more proud! She is a year ahead and reading and writing but struggling a tad in subtraction which we are going to start working with her at home.
She had a great Birthday. She had her first "friends" party this year. She

had a
jazzericse party where she got to pick all the games and songs that were her favorites. She had a blast!

She continues to be involved in
jazzercise and was in the Victorian Stroll Parade in
Middletown this month. Her group won first place! She did such a great job and watching her brought tears to my eyes seeing how much she was enjoying herself and joy on her face!
I was having a lot of trouble the past couple of months with the depression. I have been with my
counselor for over a year and I absolutely love her and respect her opinions and guidance. I have tried for a year to manage this without any medications. I found the past two months, I am just not able to do it, that this was out of my control. I was going back and forth between being happy to depressed at least once a week. I am still fighting to find an answer that will allow me to live a much better quality of life and find the joy in life I know God intended for me and make sure I never hit bottom like I have done twice in the past 15 years. I never want to experience or go through that again. She referred me to a
dr who
specializes more in this area to look into trying to find a medicine that would help me. From her first evaluation she thought that the medicines I had been on before only focused on the
serotonin and not the
dopamines. She thinks maybe that is the reason they have not been successful in the past. She started me on a medicine that is a start and time will tell if this is one of the ones I will be successful on. The first week I had a lot of side effects since my body is getting used to it, but after changing the time of the dose, I have already noticed and feel such a difference. I know this is another journey that I have to take and it will be difficult and trying at times, but it helps to know I have professionals that are
knowledgeable and who I trust this time around. I want to break free from the bondage of this illness for myself and for my family.